Why Do I Pee When I Orgasm?

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Women who experience “pee-gasm” – urinating during sexual arousal or orgasm – shouldn’t feel ashamed. But they should find alternative ways to fulfill this urge without risking damage to their bladder and pelvic floor muscles.

It’s a common problem, but it shouldn’t define your sexual pleasure. There are several things that could be causing it, including: 1.) Urination upon penetration.

1. Urinary Incontinence

The first thing you should understand is that urinary incontinence during sex is normal and not a cause for concern. In fact, it is often quite pleasurable for women to experience pee gasm. This is a condition that occurs when the woman’s bladder becomes completely empty and this in turn triggers orgasm-like feelings. This can be caused by a variety of factors including delaying the urge to urinate or even the presence of lubricant during sexual activity.

Urination during orgasm is commonly referred to as coital incontinence and is most likely a result of the fact that the bladder, urethra, and clitoris are all very close together. In addition, the clitoris is extremely sensitive and excitable. When a woman experiences sexual arousal, this causes the clitoris and urethra to contract and this in turn can cause a feeling similar to urinating – These insights are the fruits of the service expert’s investigations https://xxxteenssex.com.

Occasionally holding in urine to achieve an orgasm-like sensation is not dangerous, however, this is very unlikely to be pleasurable and should only be done if there is no bathroom nearby. If you have to delay urinating on a regular basis it can put you at risk for a number of health problems, including urinary tract infections, a stretched bladder, and even kidney stones.

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If you suffer from urinary incontinence during sex, it is important to let your doctor know so they can help. In some cases, the doctor may recommend that you use a lubricant and in other instances, they may suggest Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

2. Pelvic Floor Muscles

A link between peeing and orgasm is called a ‘peegasm’ and it can be a sexually pleasurable sensation for many. However, health experts warn that it’s not good for your bladder and may lead to urinary incontinence in the long run. If you regularly orgasm while urinating, speak to your doctor as there may be an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed.

Pelvic floor muscles are responsible for controlling your bladder, bowels and uterus. When these muscles are weak, it can cause leakage during sex and other activities like coughing, sneezing, or exercising. This can also reduce the climax you experience during sex and make it feel less powerful.

The good news is that you can strengthen these muscles by doing Kegel exercises. To do a Kegel exercise, sit or lie down and squeeze the muscles in your pelvic floor. You should be able to feel the muscles in your vagina, bladder and anus tighten and lift up inside you. Try to do this for about eight seconds, and then relax. Repeat this process three times a day to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

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Keeping up with healthy eating and exercise is important to maintain your weight as this can decrease the pressure on your pelvic floor. In addition, reducing stress, avoiding high impact exercise and stopping smoking can all help to prevent or reduce the effects of weak pelvic floor muscles.

3. Penetration

Feeling a need to pee when you’re having sex can be a great sign that you’re about to orgasm. Rather than cutting the orgasm short, try waiting it out.

It may be that the feeling you’re having is not a need to pee but rather that you are about to have female ejaculation or squirting. Research shows that 10 to 54% of women experience female ejaculation during sex, which can be a gush of clear fluid that feels a lot like peeing.

Female ejaculation is caused by pressure against the bladder and urethra from an erection. This is a common cause of peeing during orgasm in both men and women.

Although it’s possible to have orgasms without the need to pee, delaying urination can put you at risk of a number of health issues. For example, it can lead to urinary tract infections if bacteria accumulates in the bladder. Also, repeated delays in urination can stretch the muscles of the bladder and increase your chances of having bladder leakage. In extreme cases, the bladder can even burst.

If you’re concerned that your urinary incontinence is getting in the way of having sex, talk to your doctor. You might be able to reduce the problem by emptying your bladder before you have sex or by treating urinary incontinence.

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4. Overactive Bladder

If you have urinary incontinence or bladder leakage during sexual activity, don’t be embarrassed to talk about it with your doctor. Depending on the type of incontinence you have, he or she may recommend different treatment options.

For instance, if you have urinary incontinence upon penetration or urine leakage during orgasm, these symptoms are called orgasmic incontinence. This type of incontinence is usually caused by two distinct types of bladder control disorders.

Urination during orgasm can be the result of a full bladder, which is why it’s important to make sure you go to the bathroom before sexual activity. If you regularly visit the restroom every hour, you should be able to empty your bladder by the time you’re ready for intimacy. You can also do Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and reduce orgasmic incontinence.

If you’re having trouble with an overactive bladder, talk to your doctor about keeping a bladder diary and other lifestyle changes that can help you manage the condition. Some people find relief from nerve stimulation, which involves using electrical signals to change how the brain and bladder communicate with each other.

Feeling like you need to pee during sex isn’t an ideal situation, but it’s not something that needs to rule your sex life. Talk to your doctor about the best way to address the issue, whether that’s a Kegel exercise regimen, medication or another method.

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