Where to Keep Condoms Safe and Secure

brown cardboard box on white surface

Keeping condoms in the pocket of your wallet may seem convenient, but the constant friction and body heat can wear down the latex. Also, the heat can cause the condom to dry out and break during sex.

Proper storage is vital in protecting against unwanted STIs and pregnancy. Here are some good places to keep your protection handy.

Empty Tin

Condoms are lifesavers, stopping 98% of pregnancies and protecting against sexually transmitted diseases. But they can be fragile and need to be kept in a cool dark place, safe from extreme temperatures, wind or nosy roommates.

Storing them in a backpack side compartment is great as it protects them from sharp objects and heavy items. But never put them in your wallet as friction from opening and closing it, sitting down and body heat can wear them down. You can even find condom-shaped tins to help you carry them around.

Coin Purse

A small coin purse is a great place to stash a condom, especially when you don’t want to draw attention to yourself. These pouches are often used to carry breath mints, and shut tight so they’re a discreet way to keep a condom.

It’s a cliche but it’s not good to keep condoms in your wallet or pocket, as they can get damaged by heat and friction. And even if the wrapper looks fine, a condom that’s been in your pocket for a long time can become worn out or break more easily, which means it may not be effective at protecting you from pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.

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A backpack is a good spot to stash condoms for easy access on the go. Unlike wallets and pockets, the compartments of a backpack can protect them from excessive friction and elements like heat and moisture.

While it’s a cliche to reach for a condom out of your wallet, the aforementioned friction can damage the latex and make it wear down faster than necessary. Plus, storing your condoms in your wallet with other items such as pens or keys puts them at risk of puncturing or melting through the latex.

An empty jewellery box is another great place to keep condoms as it’s not likely that people would look inside.

Jewellery Box

Keeping condoms in the wallet or back pocket is a bit of a cliche, but it’s also a dangerous place to store them. Constant rubbing can weaken latex, and extreme temperatures can damage the rubber. The best way to avoid these problems is to use one of the many condom-carrying tins that have been designed by major manufacturers.

An Altoids tin, toiletries bag, an empty jewellery box or even a hollowed-out book will all hide condoms discreetly. Just be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight and away from sharp objects or heavy books that could crush the cylinders. Avoid storing them in the glove compartment of your car or in the boot, where they’ll be exposed to intense heat and cold.

Read:  What Size Is Magnum Condoms?


Condoms squished together in a wallet can wear them down and reduce their efficacy. They’re also exposed to friction and heat as you fold, open, close, and move the wallet around all the time.

Keeping them in the side compartments of your bag is a safer bet as they’re protected from friction and elements, such as direct sunlight. You can also keep them in a small, hard case (like an old Altoids tin) or a coin purse.

Many people keep their naughty condoms in the drawer of their nightstand for easy access. It’s also a safe place to store them away from kids who may be tempted to reach in and play with them.

Glove Compartment

Men, you can always keep a condom in the glove compartment of your car (assuming you have one, obviously). It’s discreet and away from sharp objects and heat.

Remember that condoms are most effective at preventing STIs and pregnancy when they are fresh and in their original wrapper. It’s worth checking your condoms’ expiration date regularly and replacing them as they get close to the end of their shelf life. Proper storage is vital too – extreme temperatures can make a condom break down and less effective. That’s why you should never store a condom in your wallet or pocket, as the friction can cause it to tear or break.

Read:  How to Dispose of Condoms Without Parents Knowing

Sock Drawer

Condoms go off and aren’t as effective as new ones, so it’s important to keep them somewhere they won’t get sat on or squashed. A drawer is a good option but make sure it’s not close to keys or anything else that could damage the latex.

You can even find drawer organizers that fit in most drawer sizes and have compartments sized perfectly for a few condoms. If you’re feeling a little DIY, check out this video from Designed and Refined that shows you how to easily build your own. They also have a great budget-friendly pre-made option that can be ordered online. Just remember to keep the condoms away from pens or pencils as they could rip the wrapper.


Pockets and wallets are not great places to store condoms because repeated use can cause them to wear down or tear their wrappers. Also, they can get smushed up against other items in your purse or wallet and be torn by keys or other sharp objects.

If you have a drawer in your personal dresser, that can be a good place to keep condoms, especially if it’s not accessed by anyone else other than you. Be sure to check the expiration dates on them, however, as old condoms can become dry and brittle, leading to tearing during sex or unwanted pregnancy. Expired condoms also increase the risk of STIs.

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