What Are Finger Condoms For?

persons hand on white wall

Finger condoms (also known as finger gloves) are a safe and convenient barrier to prevent transmission of STIs during penetration. They can also be stretched over small sex toys to prevent contamination.

Like traditional condoms, a latex or nitrile finger condom starts out rolled up. To put it on, an individual simply slides the cot onto their finger and rolls down until it lies flat.

Protects against STIs

Condoms can help protect you and your partner(s) from STIs and HIV when used correctly. But they can’t protect you from every type of sexual activity — especially when you have cuts or sores on your hands, mouth, genitals, or anus. That’s why there are other barriers to consider, including sex dams and dental floss, finger condoms (also called finger cots), and gloves.

Whether you’re engaging in manual stimulation or exploring anal play, a finger condom can help reduce the risk of STI transmission and enhance pleasure. They’re also safe to use during oral sex and with a partner’s genitals, even without ejaculation.

Like traditional condoms, finger condoms are made of latex but can be purchased in nitrile for those with latex allergies. To put them on, an individual simply slides a cot over their tip of a finger and rolls it down the length of their finger, smoothing out bubbles as needed. After using a disposable finger condom, an individual should wash their hands thoroughly and dispose of the cot in a trash can. You can even make your own latex finger condoms by cutting a section from a latex or nitrile glove. But remember, no barrier can protect against all STIs and the most effective way to prevent STIs is abstinence. Always get tested for STIs after any sexual activity.

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Prevents scratches from a partner’s fingernail

Finger condoms prevent scratches from your partner’s nails that could enter your vagina or anus, reducing the risk of STIs and bacteria being transmitted during penetration. In addition, wearing finger condoms while touching yourself or your partner can reduce the likelihood of you contracting hepatitis B or C from open sores on your hands or fingers.

While many people use finger condoms for sexual purposes, they are also useful for other activities that can spread bacteria and STIs. For example, finger condoms can help protect your fingers when washing dishes or taking a shower. You can even wear them when playing with sex toys, to keep your fingers from being scratched by vibrators or other objects.

These small, water-tight plastic devices are also used in workplaces to limit contact with chemicals and to prevent infection. They are often worn with medical or rubber gloves. They are commonly made from latex and nitrile, but can be made of other materials.

Like regular condoms, finger condoms are easy to use. First, wash and dry your hand. Then, slide the condom onto the tip of your finger and roll it down until it’s flat. After that, make sure there are no bubbles and that it lies snugly against your finger. If necessary, apply oil or water-based lubricant to help prevent the condom from tearing. When you’re done using it, wash your hands and throw away the condom in a trash can.

Read:  How to Dispose of Condoms Without Parents Knowing

Keeps hands clean

Unlike regular condoms, finger condoms don’t cover the genitals but the fingertips. They offer protection against STIs that can be transmitted through skin lesions and blood. They can also help keep the hands clean while working in a dirty environment, such as in watchmaking or automobile repair.

These sheaths are available at most drugstores, usually in the first aid supplies aisle. You can also find them online.

They can be used to protect wounds on fingers or to avoid contact with fecal matter during anal penetration. They are also an ideal tool for avoiding infection when washing dishes or taking a shower. You can even use them to prevent bacteria from contaminating your mouth during oral sex or a kiss.

The finger condom is made of soft, flexible material and slides over the tip of a finger. It covers the finger from the base to the tips, covering a larger area than a normal bandage. People often wear them to keep a cut on their finger from becoming infected. The cots also stay in place better than everyday adhesive strips. They are also used by people who practice fingering, a form of sexual penetration where people stick their fingers in each other’s mouths and penis. While this act is generally low-risk and won’t result in pregnancy, a protective barrier is a good idea.

Read:  Where to Keep Condoms Safe and Secure

Helps with injuries

Sometimes, people get sores or cuts on their fingers that need to be covered. Unlike daily adhesive strips, finger condoms are designed to stay on even during the kinds of everyday activities that cause regular bandages to come off, such as showering or washing dishes. This can help keep the injury moist and prevent bacteria from getting into the wound.

The other good thing about these protective barriers is that they can be used to protect against STIs that spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as Herpes, HIV, and chlamydia. And, because they’re easy to clean, they’re a great way to keep anal fingering and external vulvar stimulation (including clitoral hooding) sanitary.

Usually made of latex or nitrile, finger condoms are soft and flexible and slide right over the tip of the finger. They can be used in conjunction with lube, but you shouldn’t use oil-based lube because it can break down the rubber. For best results, roll the condom down over your finger before penetration and be careful not to put too much pressure on it, as it can tear. If you don’t have any of these condoms, a latex glove or a penile condom can work in a pinch. And don’t forget to trim your nails so they can’t penetrate the condoms. It’s also a good idea to wash your hands before and after using them.

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